Josee Kool

Our monthly

Ditjes en Datjes, Patchen en Quilten 3 Reacties


Bee of the  Lachende Bijtjes this time coincided with the General Exhibition  of the Dutch quiltersguild. At times some of our members have other obligations, so therefore only Marjolein and Petra and me went to Deventer. The exhibition was held at the Grote Kerk, indeed across the IJssel.


We knew we were at the right place when we came across this marvellous pieced piece 😉 Quiltatelier Vlijtig Liesje collected all these discarded blocks and sewed it into this stunning cover.


We looked at small, large, colourful , muted colours. Though  not all to our liking (and we have different tastes as it is 😉 ) we could ofcourse see that each and every one had been made with the greatest care and love for fabric. After a nice lunch and a cuppa we visited the quitshops, and made our way to the Grote Synagoge. Deventer is a nice place and wherever you looked, all shops had a quilt on display. At the Grote Synagoge quiltshop 100 Rozen had organised a Dear Jane exhibition.



All quilts were made according to the same pattern, but because of colour use or the way it was finished , they all looked different. I quite like colours so this one appealed to me very much.  After, we walked to through Bergkwartier to the Bergkerk. Here we could find quilts on exhibition by art quiltgroup Colorminds. Most certainly no traditional quilts, but also very interesting to see.


We only left Deventer after we had supper, it was almost half past nine at that time.


I had a great day in good company, had the pleasure to meet Gert  again and came home feeling fully inspired 🙂

3 Reacties

  • Anne-Sterre on 13 September 2015

    In zo’n kleurrijke auto zou ik ook wel rond willen rijden, haha. Deventer ligt er prachtig bij zo aan het water en wat een mooie quilts!

  • Gert on 13 September 2015

    Wat een leuk verslag Josee, en jullie hebben een heel gezellige dag gehad, dat zag ik zo, toen ik jullie tegenkwam 🙂

  • Petra on 14 September 2015

    Dat was een gezellig dagje uit zo te zien!! Apart hé dat die Dear Jane quilts zo heel erg anders kunnen zijn terwijl het patroon hetzelfde is…leuk is dat!!

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